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- Open mold process
Beschreibung für die Produktdetails
This material is a combination of two layers of chopped strand mat with a center layer of core material. Using this stitch-bonded combination materials helps to save up to 50% working time (compared to use of single layers of mat and core material) and up to 50% laminate weight.
Various layer combinations are available upon request.
Beschreibung für die Produktübersicht
- CSM / core material / CSM
- For hand lay up process
- Reduced working time
- Light weight
Custom pre-assembled materials.pdf (246,1 KiB)
Data Sheet Sphere.easy 250 2,0 250.pdf (188,6 KiB)
Data Sheet Sphere.easy 450 2,0 450.pdf (188,8 KiB)
Data Sheet Sphere.easy 450 3,0 450.pdf (188,9 KiB)
Data Sheet Sphere.easy 450 4,0 450.pdf (188,6 KiB)
Data Sheet Sphere.easy 600 4,0 600.pdf (188,6 KiB)
Sphere.easy Flyer.pdf (386,6 KiB)
Temperature and chemcial resistance.pdf (361,7 KiB)
Wird automatisch vom System vergeben.
- Hand lay up
Endprodukt Anwendungen
- Construction / building
- Wind industry
- Automotive/transportation
- Marine
- Sport and leisure
- Medical equipment
- etc.
Produkt auf die Merkliste
Wird automatisch vom System vergeben.